Getting Ready for Week of the Young Child

In honor of young children and early childhood educators around the nation, we are celebrating Week of the Young Child from April 12th-18th!

Week of the Young Child (WOYC) is the annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. The idea for a designated week of celebration and awareness was inspired by numerous successful city and state events, and the desire to coordinate efforts around the country. WOYC was established nationwide in 1971 to focus on young children, their families, and care providers.

In Alabama, we encourage you to use Week of the Young Child as an opportunity to draw attention to early childhood programs and services by reaching out to your legislators and community leaders. WOYC is a special time to recognize those who are currently serving young children and families well, and to consider how our communities can provide even better for all young children.

For more information and ideas on how you can participate, visit www.smartstartalabama.org/get-involved and www.naeyc.org/woyc.


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Help Me Grow Alabama

Help Me Grow Alabama is an affiliate of the Help Me Grow National Network and a program of the Alabama Partnership for Children.


Help Me Grow Alabama is funded by the Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education through the Preschool Development Grant and the Alabama Department of Human Resources.


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