I can not be more excited to be a part of the “perfect storm” that is currently happening within Alabama’s early childhood system of care. Early childhood professionals across all systems are working together to leverage resources and accomplish positive change in the most effective and efficient way – connecting children to services as early as possible. A core component of the Help Me Grow National model is “building the network” and serving as the connecting piece, not just for families to resources, but for connecting providers with information and resources that will help them better serve the families in their care.It has been two and a half years since I began working with Help Me Grow at the Alabama Partnership for Children, and one of the things that has become evident to me is that we are in a state that excels in this area, and I don’t have to look much farther than at the work being done by some of our closest partners. You can see it when you look at:
The list goes on! It’s amazing to watch and I am hopeful about the future for young children in our state. I feel so fortunate to work for an agency and program that strives at all times to create a more seamless system of care for families and young children by building on existing systems and maintaining lasting partnerships.
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