Care Coordinator Spotlight: Arronie Riley


Care Coordinator Spotlight: Arronie Riley

Attach7847 20170111 141808 1Arronie joined our team in December 2016 as the Help Me Grow (HMG) North Alabama Regional Care Coordinator at Crisis Services of North Alabama. Arronie is a graduate of the University of Alabama in Huntsville with a B.S. in Psychology and minor in Political Science. She was involved with the HelpLine before becoming the HMG Care Coordinator and is excited to continue expanding HMG in her local community and region.
Welcome Arronie!

Help Me Grow Alabama

Help Me Grow Alabama is an affiliate of the Help Me Grow National Network and a program of the Alabama Partnership for Children.


Help Me Grow Alabama is funded by the Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education through the Preschool Development Grant and the Alabama Department of Human Resources.


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