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Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

In 1987, President Reagan declared March “Mental Retardation Awareness Month” to encourage opportunities for people with developmental disabilities. Since renamed “Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month”, this month is still set aside to celebrate individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, as well as promote general understanding and awareness.

Join the ARC and other organizations by using #DDAware on social media and joining the “Let’s Go Out” movement on March 29! How can you participate?

“Simply make plans to go out somewhere in public on Saturday, March 29. That’s all. Just plan a day out and about with friends and family or by yourself enjoying the things you like to do. And, in the process help raise awareness and generate some conversation about people with I/DD. This one-day movement will serve to harness our collective power to gain allies, foster understanding, dispel myths and encourage people without disabilities to recognize that we’re not so different after all.” 
Visit http://www.thearc.org/lets-go-out for more information and ideas to celebrate.

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Help Me Grow Alabama

Help Me Grow Alabama is an affiliate of the Help Me Grow National Network and a program of the Alabama Partnership for Children.


Help Me Grow Alabama is funded by the Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education through the Preschool Development Grant and the Alabama Department of Human Resources.


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